Will Kingery: Local Chef and Restaurant Owner Dishes on The Food Scene in Winston-Salem

Walking into Silo Bistro and Bar, off Reynolda Road, one can find Will Kingery, the owner of the restaurant, working right alongside his employees. “When I was 16, I worked at Sonic,” said Kingery, “and I told myself I never wanted to work in another kitchen.” Years later, he has worked at nearly every restaurant in Winston-Salem, and owns four: Willow’s Bistro, King’s Crab Shack and Oyster Bar, Silo Bistro and Bar, and The Bar on 4th Street.

633 Fourth Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101

The morning is coming to a close at the City With Dwellings overflow shelter. Nine men and women shuffle into the van, some quiet and keeping to themselves, and others chatting loudly. The seats are slightly worn, and the air conditioner makes a low humming noise. It’s bright, a light breeze coming in through the open windows. One man holds an iPod shuffle, his headphones in as he stares outside. Another looks down at an Android phone, running his hands over the cracked screen. Each clutching bus passes, they began the 10-minute ride over to the Samaritan Ministries food bank to eat lunch.

Standing in Quicksand, Sinking in Time

Time is a funny little mistress. You’re attached to it, but it can disappear without warning. Some days, weeks, and months feel begrudgingly long, with no end in sight. And then a year disappears right before your eyes. Then two. Then three. They fall away with reckless abandon.

A Misconception About Courage

Courage is a word I've thought a lot about in my life. It's a concept I've placed such merit in, through witnessing it in others, I got it permanently placed on my body. For me, it serves as a reminder, to have courage, to seek it with others and to demonstrate courage when others cannot.

To My Valentine(s)

Every year it comes. Valentine’s Day. Some people love it. Some people dread it. Some people think it’s a holiday invented by Hallmark…they could very well be right. But at the end of the day, it’s just supposed to be a time to really celebrate the people in your life that you care about, and that’s not a bad thing at all.

The Danger Of Desensitization

We live in a world where bad things happen every day. People do horrible, unspeakable things to one another. They kill one another. They dehumanize one another. Humans, just like any other species have learned to adapt over time in order to survive. Many accept that it’s a dog eat dog world, and let themselves become hardened to the realities of life rather than dealing with their emotions and trying to make a change. 

Litchfield Beach: My Happy Place

Located in Pawley’s Island, Litchfield isn’t a glamorous beach vacation spot. But it is a community, and the people that have been coming here for as long as we have, have begun to know one another. The same restaurants every summer, the same shops, the same grocery stores: it’s a home away from home if I’ve ever known one.

Rome At A Glance

As Julia Roberts said in Eat Pray Love“So this is what I’m going to do, I’m going to finish this pizza and then we’re going to go watch the soccer game and tomorrow we’re going to go on a little date and buy ourselves some bigger jeans.”